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最后更新: 2017-11-28 21:03

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收藏本公司 人气:201
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规模: 小型展会 材质: 木质
型号: 99 规格: 9
商标: 9 包装: 9
9: 9


公司简介:Company Profile
西安鼎瞻展览装饰工程有限公司自2012年成立以来, 逐渐成长为一家集空间展示设计、企业形象策划、主场特装搭建为一体的综合性方案提供商。
Xi'an Dingzhan Exhibition Decoration Engineering Co,Ltd., established in 2012, offers the comprehensive solutions of company space design, CI design, exhibition design and construction. 
西安鼎瞻展览装饰工程有限公司拥有一支专业的设计、策划、制作和管理团队。 公司自营6000平米的专业木制生产基地, 配备了现代化标准展览器材和搭建设备。 10多年来,公司的业务范围辐射全国, 为众多优质客户提供完善的企业形象展示方案。 
Xi'an Dingzhan Exhibition Decoration Engineering Co,Ltd. had built up experienced working teams of design, planning, construction and management. The company runs 6,000 SQM production base with modern standard equipment. In the past 6 years, we have been offering our valued clients abundant qualified solutions around China.
鼎瞻展览一贯坚持以专业的业务素养为基础, 完善的服务态度为依托, 充分理解客户的愿景, 为企业品牌价值的提升不断努力。 
Fully understanding and respecting the customer’s demand, we focus on improving your brand value with the professional skills, quick reaction and moderate service attitude.
企业价值 Company Value
充分沟通  诠释品牌价值
Full communication, expressing brand value exactly.
诚信守时  用心履行合约
Honest and on-time, fulfilling the contract with heart. 
激流勇进  创造无限可能
Riding the wave, nothing is impossible.
企业文化 Company Culture
缔造快乐平台  激发小伙伴儿无穷的创意
Building joyful working platform, to arouse the partners having more ideas.
秉持合作共赢  每次相遇都成为美好回忆
Insisting on win-win strategy, to make every case be the good memory.
专业造就品质  品质让美好得到充分演绎
Profession creating high quality, to express the goodness fully.



